Some facts...

How many kilometers are there in 10,000 steps? 

This depends on your stride length, the length of each step. Formula:  number of kilometers in 10,000 steps = 10,000 steps * stride length in kilometers.   Stride length can be measured or calculated: 
  • Women .413 * height 
  • Men .415 * height 

A women, lets call her Polly,  who is a shorty of height 160cm (5'3") would have a stride length of  160 * .413 = 66.08cm.  Let's convert this to kilometers 66.08cm / 100,000 = 0.0006608 km. Now plug it into the formula: 10,000 steps * 0.0006608 km stride length = 6.608 km.  So if Polly goes for a walk each 10,000 steps she covers 6.608 kilometers.

So if Polly walked from Montreal to Vancouver it would take her 7,531,780 steps! 

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